Thursday, March 11, 2010

Class work for 3/12/10

TGIF. Welcome to the library.

Now that you've done some reading into The Glass Menagerie, you're ready to start thinking about some of its themes: reality, escape, the past, abandonment, failure, race, identity. To do that, conduct a simple word search today into a searchable edition of the text.

1. Click on this link. It should open a full searchable text of TGM in a new window.

2. Using your browser's search function, search for the actual theme as listed above, or words related to it (instead of "escape" try "travel" or simply "go." Instead of "blindness" try "see" or "sight.")

3. On your handout, make note of what you find to be the most beautiful, poetic, or well-written line from the play concerning each theme.

4. Based on the simple word-search you did, circle the theme that appears, at least in terms of quantity, to be the most dominant in the play.

5. Finish early? Grab a book off the shelf and enjoy--you're in the library after all!

Note: you are being watched.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Class work for 3/11/10

Welcome to the library. (Note the books on the walls. Read them.)

In class today, your task is simple: follow the trail of Cormac McCarthy as he tries to escape from you on the World Wide Web. Take notes on the handout the substitute has provided as you go.

Your tasks:

1. Go to his official Random House publisher's page and figure out what three books form the Border Trilogy of his. Link:

2. Go to the interview he did for the Wall St. Journal and figure out what he says when people say they have a signed copy of The Road. Also what he thinks about being Irish Catholic. Link:

3.Go to the IMDB site for the movie. Find out how Brad Pitt is involved. Link:

4. Read the NYT review of ATPH and identify how someone is compared to Job. Link:

5. Go to the WIRED website and figure out how much McCarthy's spent for his typewriters over the years. Link:

6. Watch the previews for the McCarthy movies I asked you to watch way back when. Link:

Note: You, too, are being watched.

Thank Mrs. Magyar and your substitute on the way out.